There is numerous ways you can pay your Energy Nordic energy bill. It is up to you which way you find most convenient
- You can set up a direct debit by filling out the Sepa form and send it back to us.
- If you want to set up an automatic card payment, you can either get in touch with us here on our homepage, or contact our team on (+34) 900 696 820 Monday - Friday from 9am until 5pm and we will give you further instructions on how to do this on My Page.
- It is also possible to transfer the money for the energy bill. Below is the needed information
Energia Nordica Gas y Electricidad SL
IBAN ES27 2100 2639 4002 1030 3510
SWIFT/BIC: CAIXESBBXXX - Lastly, it is still possible to come into our office and pay your bill, by card, however we prefer one of the other options if possible.